
Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Yummy smoothies!

 Make healthy smoothies.Today we were making Delicious  smoothies.We also brought healthy foods to put In the smoothies there were a lot of foods.When it was mixing In It was a delicious smell yummy! we also got different kinds of colours purple and white I tried mine and I got a lot of spinach but I could not really taste It.Also before we made It we made our own poster recipe.My ingredients were strawberry,Mango,milk and yogurt turns out we just put everything that the class brought.It was a fun day!. 

Monday, 18 September 2017

How Tadpoles grow?

W.A.L.T. write an explanation
This explanation was on term 2 i'm very proud of it.
Frogs start of as tadpoles and keep on growing.
Firstly the mother lays 4,000 eggs.They have no shells but soft bodies.It takes 3-6 weeks to turn into a tadpole.
After they turn into a tadpole then they can only go in the water to breathe.Then they get there hind legs then there tail vanishes and it starts to look like a frog.Next they are fully a frog and they are
adventurous and that's when you worry.Because they get eaten up by large fish and water insects.
Finally their lungs develop after 3 months then in the winter they hibernate then they find a mate.
Then it starts over and over again like a life cycle.   Image result for frogs

Thursday, 14 September 2017

welcome to Priyancis blog 2017

W.A.L.T make a avatar
will make it look as close to ourselves as possible
will look carefully at our face shape and size,hair,skin,eye colour,shape and style
understand that an avatar is promoting cyber safety.