
Tuesday, 25 September 2018

+*My term 3 reflection+*

This term is been amazing!

This term i have enjoyed writing newspaper articles,information reports and just writing in general.I have been doing well to achieve my goals i have been trying pretty hard to achieve them.This term we have been learning a lot about what our devices can do! We have made amazing animations which is VERY fun to do.We learnt how to make our blogs the way we like it.We could do back rounds,colours,changing our fonts!! And we got more options to our fonts.This term we have been doing more maths,like multiplicative thinking,more basic facts learning.

This term we also have been doing a lot of different writing like newspaper reports,information reports i really enjoyed doing articles about our school and our class.So that parents know what our school and class have been doing. I have really been enjoying doing different types of writing. We wrote an information report about wetas. It was really interesting learning about wetas and how long it has live for which is a VERY long time. I have learnt that an newspaper reporter doesn't use wow words they use sweet and simple words.

We have been doing a lot of R.E/religious education this term. We have been doing a massive candle with team work. Lot's of fun things and we have learnt a lot about god,Jesus,and the holy spirit. I have always loved doing R.E and i loved it this term.This term we also did cross country run! This term has been a lot of fun,excitement and so much things i have learnt.I can not wait till term 4.

Monday, 17 September 2018

careers quiz

W.A.L.T See what our interest are and what we want to become when were older.

Last week on Thursday did a careers quiz! What we had to do is we had to tell our interest and what we like.There were questions like..."how interested are you in gardening,plants,flowers.Then we got options,like....No interest,neutral,fairly interested,very interested.There were 78 questions! It took us a while to finish,some kids didn't get to finish of sadly.I was hoping to get an artist cause i really want to become one.When i checked i got an artist!!!! and all different types of artist.This is a great way to see our interest and see what the outcomes are! I really enjoyed this.I got 26 job options!!! But i can't remember all of them.

Image result for cartoon thumbs up png

What do you want to become when you grow up?

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

+*Quality blog comment Animation*+

W.A.L.T: Create an animation about a quality blog comment 
In kakapo class we have been doing an animation for a quality blog post.We did what you need for a quality blog comment.This was a lot of fun i enjoyed doing the scene and adding the animals.What i found changeling was to move the animals around it was quiet difficult.


Have you made an animation?

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

How to be successful in a news report!

In our class we have been learning how to write like a news reporter.So we wrote about the show we got on 6th September on Thursday.It was called Little red robin hood.

W.A.L all about newspaper!

why we are learning more about newspaper?
we are learning about the newspapers because newspapers from the olden days have a lot of information from the past.Also the newspapers today! News papers tell us about...Deaths,current events,sports,weather,places that we want to go,New Zealand native birds,plants,areas.Newspapers tells us a lot of things.Without newspapers we would not know what would be around us.

What a news report needs:
-lead paragraph
-body paragraph
-by line
-all the W'S who,when,where,why and if you want witch.

 if you have all of these then your news report will be successful.

+*Our newspaper scavenger hunt+*

Last week on our contracts we did a scavenger hunt but on newspaper! So you may be wondering what this is about! Our teacher did this so we can tell the difference between everyday writing and newspaper writing.We got to choose what newspaper we want after when we choose we cant change it,it was pretty difficult but it was quiet fun.I did find interesting facts that i read for a while.But it was a can do so i did it on Friday. :) Now i know what i need to find in the newspaper.

It was a fun task i can not wait for more :)

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Word of the day!

in our class we have been doing word of the day on our contracts,if you don't know what i'm talking about,about contacts go check out the blog i made about our contacts! On this weeks contracts we got do to word of the day.We got to choose what word we would like to do for the day! I choose ROAM so what you do with that word you find the:

Image result for smiley face png-Part of speech (example roam is a verb)
-Put the word into a sentence

And we do that with all the words.Here are the words we do this week:

Image result for thumbs up png
ive done tenacious and roam so i have 3 to go!  this is improving our vocab! 

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Ice skating fun!

Swoosh Swoosh! others were skating and have the time of their life.On the other hand i was terrified if i fell over,and how hurtful it could of been.I tried letting go of the barrier,but my nerves were pulling me back.But my friends were there to help me and help me.They helped me a lot,but after a while woosh! i could do it! all i did was i glided and i just bended my knees and then i knew that wouldn't  fall over,and that's  exactly what happened :) My best friend was a natural at skating! she was amazing.She did fall over a few times but it was ok.Mostly everyone in my class fell over except a few.The only reason why i didn't fall over is because i was VERY careful of myself.But it was really enjoyable.Sadly it was only once.I wish it was every week... 

It was a life time opportunity! 
how was your ice skating experience?      

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Kakapo contracts!

In kakapo class we do contracts! contracts are tasks but we get to choose what we should do.We have can dos and must dos,but must dos come first because they are important tasks.We get 8 task sometimes more or less.We have to try the best of our ability to finish our contracts with level 3 or level 4 standard.We have been doing contracts for quiet some time.We get a range of tasks,but they all relate to learning even if its art we normally find facts about an artist who is famous for art.Contracts are a privilege and i love it! i can not wait till future contracts!  

Whats your favourite thing to do at school?