
Tuesday, 25 September 2018

+*My term 3 reflection+*

This term is been amazing!

This term i have enjoyed writing newspaper articles,information reports and just writing in general.I have been doing well to achieve my goals i have been trying pretty hard to achieve them.This term we have been learning a lot about what our devices can do! We have made amazing animations which is VERY fun to do.We learnt how to make our blogs the way we like it.We could do back rounds,colours,changing our fonts!! And we got more options to our fonts.This term we have been doing more maths,like multiplicative thinking,more basic facts learning.

This term we also have been doing a lot of different writing like newspaper reports,information reports i really enjoyed doing articles about our school and our class.So that parents know what our school and class have been doing. I have really been enjoying doing different types of writing. We wrote an information report about wetas. It was really interesting learning about wetas and how long it has live for which is a VERY long time. I have learnt that an newspaper reporter doesn't use wow words they use sweet and simple words.

We have been doing a lot of R.E/religious education this term. We have been doing a massive candle with team work. Lot's of fun things and we have learnt a lot about god,Jesus,and the holy spirit. I have always loved doing R.E and i loved it this term.This term we also did cross country run! This term has been a lot of fun,excitement and so much things i have learnt.I can not wait till term 4.

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